This afternoon at 1:00pm the Barakel buses took a right turn on to M-72 and are headed down state to pick up our 1st summer campers for 2012.  They will return on the next day with kids eager to spend a week.  This routine has been happening now for nearly 60 years.  However, I’m not really sure who is more excited, the campers riding the buses, or the nearly 60 summer staff that have spent the last 2 weeks training for this day.  We have given them much information, maybe more then they will ever need to know.  But tomorrow is the time when they will finally get to apply the many hours of training they received over the past 2 weeks.  Please keep these college kids in your prayers as they “Live and serve their best” these next 10 weeks.

Although  the camper numbers are rather small this week, we are thankful for the 100 or so that will be with us.  It is pretty common to have less campers for the 1st week. Seems a lot are still playing sports and possibly some may still be in school. The remaining weeks if not full, are very close to filling up.

We, Sue and myself are excited to start our 5th summer of camp ministry.  Jennifer will be counseling again this summer.  When summer camp is over she will be heading to New York where she will be enrolled in a Christian leadership program at Camp of the Woods in the Adirondack Mountains until December.  She will also serve there as staff during their fall retreat season.

Thanks again for your part in the ministry here at Camp Barakel.
Your prayers and support are a real blessing to us and all that come to camp.
We thank God daily for all of you. Image


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It’s a beginning!

We are trying our hand at blogging.  It will be a slow start, but hopefully it will be a better way to communicate with all of you.

Kieth and Susan


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